Your generosity fuels life change and spreads hope. Together, we’re building a community that reflects God’s love and makes a lasting impact in the world.

join the movement
at good shepherd.

Jesus teaches that a key component to a meaningful life is being generous. God created us to be generous people. When we give through the church, we get to be a part of building something bigger than ourselves that has an impact beyond what we can have on our own.

The generosity of many people has enabled us to build a thriving, compelling community that helps people experience the hope and healing of Jesus through the church. We have seen this happen time and time again in all of our ministry areas as God has changed many lives through Good Shepherd.

Good Shepherd has also made it a tradition to practice giving as an organization by giving away 100% of our two largest offerings of the year, Christmas Eve and Easter, to organizations that are making a real, tangible impact in the community. We hope you join us in building a thriving, compelling faith community through giving.

why we give

your generosity changes lives




ways to give

Use the button below to make a recurring donation or one time gift.

There’s a space to give during worship in the offering baskets.

You can mail a check to:
Good Shepherd Attn: Brittany Ensley
9555 N Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64155

To submit your 2025 estimate of giving card online please fill out the link below:

2025 Estimate of giving