Good Shepherd Leadership

Matt Fulmer

Lead Pastor

There was a season in my life where I was searching for something more. I had grown up in the church but I had made some mistakes that left me feeling like an outsider when it came to church. I still wanted faith to be an important part of my life but I didn’t know how to live that out, especially when I felt very alone.  At that point a friend invited me to church. My life was a mess then and I had a lot of questions (still do in so many ways). But I found a community of people that let me bring my mess and my questions and still belong. They loved and encouraged me. And they also challenged me to grow. At that time I realized there were a lot of people like me. People who were hurting or maybe their life was a mess. And the simple invitation to belong changed my life and I want to offer that to others who may feel like I did.

I have 2 small kids, 4 and 7 years old, so I spend a lot of time with them. We play legos, watch Star Wars, jump on the trampoline and try to get outside as much as possible. When I’m not hanging out with my kids I also love riding my bike, going on trips with my wonder wife and just finding an excuse to get outside.  

Shannon Burns

Director of gsKids/ N Oak Campus

Hey there! I'm Shannon, and I'm thrilled to serve as the gsKids director at our North Oak campus. My heart beats for sharing the incredible depth of God's love, specifically guiding the next generation to help understand how they’re all uniquely loved and cherished. As a mom, I appreciate the safe and welcoming space Good Shepherd offers. It's not just a place for my daughter Natalie to form connections with her peers and leaders in gsKids; it's also where my husband Shawn and I find community, through small groups and incredible worship. Beyond the walls of our campus, our family loves a good adventure. Whether we're jet-setting of to new cities or countries or uncovering hidden gems here in KC, we love time spent outdoors. When I'm not with my family or creating experiences for gsKids, you'll likely catch me either at my sewing machine or working out at crossfit. Balance, after all, is key to life! I can't wait to connect with you and learn about your story.

Ashley Collier

Executive Director of Operations

Hi! I am Ashley Collier. I feel so blessed to be part of a multicampus preschool serving 300+ kids in the Kansas City area and a church that loves to welcome new people.

Karson Davis

gsKids Director - Gladstone Campus

Hey! I am Karson Davis and I am the gsKids Director for our Gladstone Campus! I grew up attending Good Shepherd and feel so passionate and blessed to be apart of our ministry here. I graduated from WKU (go tops!), love the color yellow, and exploring anywhere downtown KC. I can't wait to create a safe and positive space for your kids!

Cathy McIntire

Campus Pastor - Gladstone

I am Cathy McIntire and I am the Campus Pastor for our Gladstone location. Since joining the staff in 2015, Good Shepherd has provided me the space and freedom to serve in a variety of ways – working with the youth, preaching, serving our community, and launching A Turning Point. These experiences have stretched and deepened my faith and reminded me of God’s providence and provision. What I am grateful to Good Shepherd for is exactly what drew me here to begin with: an environment where folks are encouraged and empowered to use their unique skills, talents, and passions for the greater good of God’s Kingdom. It is a joy to work with a team of people who is dedicated to providing top quality experiences so that others may know Jesus…this is what challenges me and holds me accountable to excellence. Beyond the office, I enjoy loving on and spending time with my grandchildren, going for walks, and the sun!

Jose Ramirez

Director of Youth and Young Adults

Hi, I'm Jose! Born and raised in the West Side of Kansas City and proud son of immigrant parents. I've been involved in many areas of church for 12 years and now have the pleasure of focusing on one of my passions! I am a fanatic for anything and everything in fine arts, comic books and sports.

Bryan Rezen

Pastor of Discipleship

I grew up in the Northland of Kansas City.  When I'm not at church or school (my two favorite places), you can find me taking a run through the streets of the Northland or curled up & reading in a coffee shop. I've been married to the love of my life, Tara, for over 20 years, and we have two beautiful children, Brody & Olivia.

Gabo (Jeffrey) Toro

Director of Creative Arts

Originally from Venezuela, but I now live in Kansas City with my wife Mariana and our dog Mossi. Born and raised in a church, I have been part of worship teams since I was 4 years old. My job combines two passions: music and visual creativity.

Mariana Toro

Director of Connections and Outreach

As a child, I loved dancing and ice cream (I still do!), but later, the linguistics, literature, and E-learning world reached my heart. Before KC, I enjoyed leading Youth and our non-profit organization in Venezuela. I love the many opportunities we have in ministry to care, love, be a voice, and evolve together as part of society. I am grateful for the opportunity to create spaces for God's love to be shared with kids and family during weekdays and weekends at Good Shepherd. I also love exploring new places with my husband Gabo and our doggy Mossy.

Diannah White

Executive Pastor/ Campus Pastor N Oak

My role at Good Shepherd allows me the opportunity to be involved in operations for both of our campuses and to serve as a campus pastor for our N Oak location. Providing strategy, encouraging staff culture, and ensuring financial integrity are only a few of the ways I get to take care of the business of the church. However, my greatest love is to connect with people and hear the story God alive in their life. Prior to joining the staff team in 2012 I spent 19 years working for Special Olympics Missouri where I fell in love with bringing out the best in people. My husband Jeff and I have one adult daughter, Jenna and two dogs that fill up our empty nest. We love spending time at Lake of the Ozarks, adding stamps to our passport, and traveling to Mizzou for sporting events.

Brittany Ensley


Roy Rodriguez

Media & Video Specialist


Tiffany Rebel

Director of Marketing & Communications

Originally from Manhattan, Kansas, I’ve traveled the country but found my heart right back here in KC. When I’m not chasing after my three kids—Kinsley, Kasen, and Crew—or spending time with my husband, Tyler, you’ll find me helping with the local PTA, diving into creative projects online, or fearlessly tackling a never-ending list of DIY home projects (which always keeps my husband on edge!). I discovered Good Shepherd when I was searching for community, and I’m beyond grateful to now be part of such a warm, welcoming, and accepting church family. As the Marketing and Communications Director at Good Shepherd, I’m passionate about spreading the message of love and belonging that Good Shepherd embodies, and my hope for the future is simple: that we all learn to love one another a little more each day.


Little Lambs Preschool

Melissa Knowles

N Oak Campus Director

Molly Ramsey

Gladstone Campus Director